The third of six planned AURES II Regional Workshops – originally planned to take place in Berlin – was held online on 26th June 2020. Run together with the German energy network Strommarkttreffen, the workshop focused on learnings from European experiences in renewable auctions. The main discussion centered around how countries test new design approaches to reflect changing policy objectives and opportunities such as increasing the market compatibility of RE support procuring renewables and storage jointly, promoting energy communities, and enabling market clearing in “zero-subsidy” situations. The event was held in webinar format, with eight short sessions listed in the agenda available here.

Approximately 130 people coming from across Europe and outside, including United Arab Emirates and India, attended the webinar. As our regional workshops are aimed at vast audience in the world of RES, we are glad to have registered yet again participation from researchers, representatives of industries and policy makers.

Commenting on the event, Fabian Wigand, member of AURES II and host of the workshop, said: “In the last years countries in Europe have gathered increasing experience with renewable energy auctions. It was exciting to learn how policy-makers are reacting to the COVID-19 impacts, how they are aiming to integrate renewable energy into the power system, how they support energy communities and how they are encouraging resilient manufacturing and project development value chains. There is so much we can learn from this European exchange!”