Instruments and lessons learnt from auctions for renewable energy supportJust like administratively set support, auction-allocated su... in Italy.
Italy supports RES except photovoltaics with a fixed feed-in tariff for plants with a capacity below 1 MW and a sliding feed-in premium for plants with a capacity above 1MW. Since 2012, the access to the supportJust like administratively set support, auction-allocated su... is regulated by three distinct mechanisms: Direct access, Registry and Lowest Bid Auctions.
The report contributes to the first and second of three tasks in work package 4 of the AURES project:
T4.1 Providing a characterisation of the different auctions
T4.2 Making an assessment of auctions and case-specific lessons learnt
T4.3 Interpreting and summarise the general lessons learnt and resulting and thereby outline specific recommendations
Download the report here.