In this section you can read and download all the AURES II published report. For the AURES reports, click here.
Effects of auctions on RES value chains
It is often argued that a key feature of auctions is the competitive pressure created on the overall value chain, and indeed all actors of the renewable energy (RE) sector. [...]
How (not) to respond to low competition in renewable energy auctions
"We call an auction volumeThe auction volume refers to the amount of renewable electri... or ceiling price that depends on the level of competition endogenously determined. Because both decrease with a decreasing level of competition, we speak of endogenous [...]
Impact of COVID-19 on Renewable Energy Auctions
The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic and political disruption are having severe repercussions on renewable energy (RES) auctions, affecting RES procurement, delaying projects’ developments and auctions execution, increasing projects’ financing [...]
Auctions for the support of renewable energy in Greece
Contents of the report: 1 Characteristics of RES auctions in the country 1.1 Greek electricity and energy sector 1.2 RES supportJust like administratively set support, auction-allocated su... policy 1.3 Objectives of RES auctions 1.4 Design elements [...]
Auctions and renewable energy communities
The Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy for 2014 to 2020 require Member States to set up competitive bidding processes (also called auctions) from 2017 onwards, to [...]
Auctions for the support of renewable energy in Portugal
Contents of the report: Characteristics of RES-E auctions in the country Goals of the government with organizing auctionsGoals of the government with organizing auctions Main pillars of the RES-E supportJust like administratively set support, auction-allocated su... [...]