TAKON GmbH Spieltheoretische Beratung has advised industry and policymakers in auctions and strategic decision-making since 1998. The company develops sustainable and individual business strategies based on game-theoretical and experimental methods while accommodating to the distinct market and customer characteristics. Precise mathematical analyses of the underlying structures are combined with empirical studies, which serve as the basis for developing concrete recommendations for action. Additionally, TAKON also offers tailor-made and solution-oriented software to ensure a swift and smooth process of business.
Due to many years of successful consultancy, TAKON gained wide-ranging expertise in designing and conducting auctions as well as a profound competence in the participation of auctions. The provided advice is hereby distributed over an extensive multitude of different industries.
Clients therefore derive e.g. from the automotive, financial, telecommunication or the energy sector, and are searching for a consulting either in the form of sellers or customers in both procurement and sale auctions.
Especially in the environmental and energy sector TAKON supervised and participated in both governmental and industrial projects, including numerous institutions and organisations from the political or public sector. The focus of these projects ranges from emission trading to renewable energy expansion in various forms.
Having joined the previous AURES project in the years 2015 to 2017, TAKON is looking forward to the new and interesting questions and tasks in AURES II.

Ann-Katrin Hanke (main contact)
hanke [at] takon.com
+49 176 812 520 38
Karl-Martin Ehrhart
ehrhart [at] takon.com