The AURES II fifth of six planned regional workshops took place online, on 23rd October 2020. Our Regional Workshops are held to validate intermediate results, collect feedback and new information, and disseminate project results.

The theme of the workshop is The impact of auctions on the renewable energy sector: The impact of auctions and their design elements on firms, renewable energy sectors and countries were discussed, mostly with a European focus.

All the details about the sessions can be found in the workshop agenda, available here.

The workshop is aimed at RES industries and power suppliers, as well as other stakeholders such as policy makers, regulators and associations.

(There were some problems with the slides of one presentation: the viewer may want to skip the video between 20.02 – 23.15)

List of the presentation: click on the links to download

Here you can also download all presentations as one pdf file or as an archive (zip file) with individuals presentations.