The legal framework applied in the Energy Community Contracting Parties (CPs) provides opportunities for cross-border cooperation in developing renewable energy projects between the CPs and with the EU Member States through joint projects, opened support schemes and statistical transfers in line with the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC), adapted and adopted for the Energy Community in 2012. The CPs have transposed and largely implemented the Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) into their national legislation, however, cross-border cooperation has not been exercised yet.

This policy brief seeks to provide an analysis on how the CPs may benefit from cross-border cooperation under the current legal framework applied in the Energy Community, and how the new possibilities given by the Clean Energy Package and associated financial instruments available at EU level can best contribute to the cross-border cooperation between the CPs and the EU Member States. This brief focuses on the instruments of cross-border auctions and joint projects, as the main instrument for the CPs of the Energy Community to cooperate amongst each other and with the EU Member States.

Chapter 1.1 describes the rationales for considering cross-border approaches to RES deployment from the perspective of the contributing party, whereas chapter 1.2 highlights benefits from the hosting party perspective. The legal framework for cooperation is explained in chapter 2. The subsequent chapter 3 details the basic instruments of cooperation and lists benefits and risks of each instrument. Chapter 4 takes a closer look at special considerations arising in the context of cross-border cooperation with and amongst the CPs in terms of design. The report closes in chapter 5 with a short conclusion.

Download the report here.